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Airtable data to Azure Blob Storage by COZYROC

Azure Blob Storage Airtable Microsoft

This integration seamlessly connects Airtable to Azure Blob Storage, effortlessly transferring data between the two platforms. With just a few clicks, it converts Airtable data into a CSV file format and swiftly uploads it to Azure Blob Storage.

Setup Guide

This workflow will establish a connection between Airtable and Azure Blob Storage and will pull the data from each Airtable table specified in the List Table parameter. The integration will then generate a CSV file for each table and send all files to your Azure Blob Storage instance. If the parameter Compression is set to true, all CSV files will be compressed and uploaded to Azure Blob Storage. The uploaded files will be named as tablename_currentdate.

To run this workflow and connect Airtable to Azure Blob Storage, configure the parameters that are mentioned below.


  • Server Host Required. Specify the correct base identifier in the server host.
  • Token File Required. Select the Airtable Rest Token file from the drop-down list. Review the KB-Article mentioned here regarding how to generate the token file.
  • Batch Size Required. The default batch size is set to true.
  • List Table Required. This parameter accepts comma-separated values if you want to pull data from multiple Airtable tables.
  • Compression Optional. Set this parameter to false if you don't want to load the zip files at the destination.
  • Query Parameter Optional. A new line separates multiple query parameters.

Azure Blob Storage

  • Server Host Required. Specify the storage account name in the server host URL https://[account]
  • Storage Account Required. Specify the storage account name.
  • Shared Key Required. Specify the shared key.
  • Destination Folder Required. Specify the path to the destination folder, ending with the trailing slash.

See COZYROC Cloud in Action

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