Plans & Pricing Gems

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We offer 14 days free trial on all plans, no credit card required!


Access to free and premium gems*.

Manually trigger on-demand gem runs.

$ 0 forever



Access to free and premium gems* with all supported triggers.
$ 49 / month

(save 20% by paying annually)

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Free forever
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49$ per month or
470$ per year
Get started
Free Gems
Premium Gems*
Network traffic Monthly network traffic
1GB/month 1GB **
10GB/month 10GB ***
Single execution duration Single execution duration (minutes)
up to 30 min 30
up to 30 min 30
Execution hours per month
1 hour 1
100 hours 100
Manual execution
Scheduled jobs
Post-execute actions
Real-time execution logs
Execution logs retention Execution logs retention (days)
15 days 15
15 days 15
* Flexible premium GEM subscriptions - select and subscribe to the ones you want. Incur extra costs.
** FREE plan executions above the traffic quota will be aborted
*** Extra traffic above the monthly quota is charged 0.25$ per 1GB

See COZYROC Cloud in Action

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