Files from HubSpot to SharePoint 1.0.0
This gem enables the seamless transfer of files from HubSpot to Sharepoint, providing a streamlined and automated process for managing data generated within the HubSpot platform. This gem enhances data accessibility, archiving, and analysis by securely storing HubSpot files in a Sharepoint environment.
Setup Guide
This integration will receive files from HubSpot
and upload them to Sharepoint without the hassle of any tedious copy-paste work.
To run this integration and connect HubSpot to Sharepoint, you need to configure the parameters that are mentioned below.
Token File
Select the Rest Token file from the drop-down list. Review the documentation article here on how to generate the token file.Source Folder
Specify the path to the source folder, ending with a trailing slash.Filter
Optional. Specify to filter the list of files.
Microsoft Graph
Server Host
Default is set to
when connecting to the default SharePoint instance. Set to<site-id>
when connecting to a specific SharePoint instance.Token File
Select the Rest Token file from the drop-down list. Review the documentation article here on how to generate the token file.Destination Folder
Specify the path to the destination folder, ending with a trailing slash.